Our goal at ThriveAgain Physical Therapy & Wellness is to provide accessible, comprehensive, and inclusive care for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.
We recognize the obstacles the LGBTQIA+ community faces in accessing adequate, inclusive healthcare and are committed to caring for this underserved community by fostering a warm, open, and inclusive environment in our clinic. Our physical therapists are trained to provide gender-affirming care and to discuss sexuality and sexual functioning in a supportive and non-judgmental manner. In addition to respectful care, our office offers trans and non-binary inclusive restrooms and a single-occupancy restroom is available at a nearby coffee shop that all patients are welcome to use.
I continue to ask you all for support and commitment to maintaining a safe, nurturing, and empowering environment for everyone.
Dr. Jessica Probst, PT, DPT, MTC, PRPC